Former East/Former West

L’artiste-vidéaste américaine Shelly Silver propose un travail pionnier. Le film documentaire Former East / Former West rassemble des interviews de Berlinois juste 2 ans après la chute du mur. Ils reflètent deux réalités désormais réunies dans un même régime démocratique. Le besoin d’une redéfinition identitaire est avancé sans pour autant savoir ce que cela signifie, le doute mêlé de volonté et de nostalgie est en suspend. Leurs propos fascinent par leur contemporanéité et nous éclairent sur ce moment décisif de fin de guerre froide. 

Le documentaire a été projeté dans des institutions de renom comme à la Berlinische Galerie de Berlin, à New-York : au Lincoln Center, au MoMA , à Mexico DF : au  MUAC (Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporaneo)…

Former East / Former West de Shelly Silver
Film documentaire, 1994, 62 min. 
VO allemand, sous-titrée anglais

"Anyone who wants to better understand why it is so difficult to 'merge what belongs together' will want to see this film." Dr. Christopher Stomach, New Hampshire German Symposium 
"Dealing with the early years of reunification, Shelly Silver’s hour-long film Former East/Former West (1994) presents a compelling portrait of the mental landscape that prevails in a persistently divided Germany. In interviews with a fascinating range of individuals on the street, Silver probes attitudes towards notions of de- mocracy, socialism, history, foreigners and nationality. Gradually outlining a substantial disparity in the experience of the “Wessies,” for whom little had changed, and the “Ossies,” whose daily lives were often transformed, the film’s value as a historical document is based on its ability to deconstruct stereotypes of East and West. However, it leaves the unsettling question of whether today’s responses might be at all different — a valuable starting point for a discussion worth pursuing."
in FlashArt, 01/02.2010, by Laura Schleussner